Monday, October 21, 2019

Birds Seen Along the Platte River in Nebraska in October, 2019

Great Blue Heron: several, fishing

Belted Kingfisher: several, in reedy bushes. One seen catching, beating,  and eating a fish about twice as long as its own bill

Pied-bill Grebe: 1

American Robin: many, of both sexes, and both mature and immature; in flocks, catching insects and drinking water from puddles

Eastern Bluebird: about 10, migrating in small groups of various ages

Northern Wheatear: several

Prairie Warbler: a group of about 10, consisting of a mix of mature and immature, and both sexes

Hoary Redpoll: 1

Bald Eagle: 1, flying to its nest while carrying a large, dangling snake, and then feeding it to a nestling

 Golden Eagle: 1, flying

American Crow: a few

House Sparrow: many